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Paulo Coelho believes in just about being simple, loyal, honest and the rest will follow automatically, and “The Alchemist” is just about that philosophy

Life with its full coloration to flaunt themselves, right before you; that’s what you expected out of that. Actually, Paulo Coelho believes the same, and his belief is reflected through his works in a simplified, easy to understand manner. Although he is a writer specializing in Portuguese, but his written stuffs have earned appreciation from all corner of the globe. And the book holding the world record for being translated in maximum languages, called “The Alchemist”; the one that perhaps needs no introduction is what that RightBooks.in has in place now. Without having to use too much of ornamental stuffs, his works kept increasing the toll of its lovers worldwide. And its RightBooks.in for you, to make yourself access to the book collections, that have made millions of book lovers amazed with its unique narrative approach. Quality literature is what synonymous with the Paulo Coelho write-ups, and in the form of this particular author genre, we have lived up to this reputation. It’s the rare stuff that you may categorize as the one that falls within the adventurous ones, but in reality, it showcases the one that deals with the golden philosophy of following your hearts, when there is a situation of choosing between two options. Your heart always speaks the right thing, that’s the one that Santiago, the main character in “The Alchemist”, realized, and indirectly places the necessity for following the same when you are put into the same situation. While being in the journey in search of the lost treasure, Santiago was tasted several times; whether he was about to identify the Alchemist, or realizing the meaning of the feeling he had for Fatima, every time he listened to his heart to get the right answer. It’s not just another bestseller, it’s the book that will compel you to rethink and re-look at the life and mentality you are composed of. The respective link at www.rightbooks.in/product_details.asp?pid=9788172234980&The Alchemist  hosts it for the visitors.

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