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“Simply Fly” with Captain Gopinath

His story is something that Bollywood filmmakers will be interested in. From a mediocre village boy to the one whose company valuation goes beyond $ 1 billion isn’t the story that happens surrounding you everyday. It’s the once in a lifetime achievement that Captain Gopinath has attained, and RightBooks.in is proud to bring his story right before you. Captain Gopinath has led an interesting life. Son of a village school master, he attended Sainik School before joining the army and seeing action in the Bangladesh war. He farmed, ran an Udupi restaurant, an automobile sale and service agency and an agricultural consultancy and stood for elections twice. Of course, he is best known for showing that low cost airlines could work in India. His book narrates the events that shaped the philosophy behind Air Deccan, most of them going back to his farming days. From “Simply Fly”, one gets the impression that it is only the setting that changes; he gave as much energy and commitment to dealing with the termites in his coconut grove as to getting approvals for his fleet. “Strategy” is the most abused word in the entrepreneurship universe. It’s easy to understand why – the word makes one “sound” intelligent. The more one peppers one’s talk with the word, the more “entrepreneurial” one will come across. If you are looking for high octane BS and to pick up new business buzzwords to add to the BS toolkit, this book will disappoint. You can probably count on one hand the number of times Captain Gopinath has used the word “strategy” and other similar intelligent sounding buzzwords. He went on to build India’s largest private Airlines by doing what made sense to him – not by giving presentations and talking endlessly about strategy. Just rush to www.rightbooks.in/product_details.asp?pid=9788172238421&Simply Fly to get into this absorbing story, something that goes beyond inspiration for you, because Captain Gopinath is the man who’s truth of achievement is stranger than fiction.

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