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Life is about the outcome of “Karma” without signifying the result, and it’s your fate that decides the result

Often you had perceived that someone, or something really powerful yet unseen, so powerful that it can control even your life is there. Or consider the great Indian philosophy that has taught you that the good always wins over the evil forces. It's the spiritual approach that handles them all, and RightBooks.In is here to complete your spiritual lesson. A drive to www.rightbooks.in brings you the books that defines this rich spiritual lesson. Epics like the Mahabharata, the Ramayana, the Bhagavadgita has been teaching these lessons since long, and RightBooks.In has brought the defining works from the writers like R.K Narayan, P Lal, Swami Dayananda, and none other than Mahatma Gandhi to make you realize the exact meaning of these epics. Its true that spirituality and belief in divine life after, belief in existence of almighty is the traditional characteristics of Indian philosophy, however, the authors from the western countries are also making their approaches to define the concept of Indian spirituality their own way. Books like The Spirituality-healing Connection, A Hidden Wholeness The Journey Toward An Undivided Life, PRACTICING GREATNESS 7 DISCIPLINES OF EXTRAORDINARY SPIRITUAL LEADERS, Moments of Stillness, The Templar Revelation, Identity and Ethos, ZEN MIRACLES FINDING PEACE IN AN INSANE WORLD, Gods, Demons and Other are the few of the vast offerings that RightBooks.In maintains for you in its segments for spiritual book catalogs. Spirituality and religions are interrelated with each other, and a click at www.rightbooks.in/Items.asp?cid=1&fc=30&pt=3 brings you the thoroughly researched works like Religions and Communities of India, Hindu Dharma, Guide to Hindu Spirituality, Introduction to Vedanta, A to Z of Jainism, A to Z of Islam, Hind Swaraj, Indian Religious Thought, Religion, Science and Culture, A to Z of Hinduism and several other researched works for your purpose. You can avail all these collections at a healthy 10% discount rate, and RightBooks.In caters for your payment security as well as the timely delivery of your ordered books.

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