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Jonathon Stroud is back with his winning team of Bartimaeus saving the “The Ring of Solomon” to fall into the wrong hands

Voodooist activities, black magic centric acts, the power of spirituality are the features that the series of Bartimaeus kept delivering for you. The superb plotting, the correlation with the historic events and characters makes you familiar with the storyline and no surprise that the Bartimaeus series got to maintain its own presence among the fiction lovers like you. Jonathan Stroud has brought one more reason to make the super-natural, magical power centric series more readable and the latest addition in the series called “The Ring of Solomon is responsible for that. However, even though you are a first timer in the Jonathan write ups, this prequel of the Bartimaeus Trilogy will not let you feel deviated from the storyline. “The Ring of Solomon is a stand-alone novel, but it uses the incredible, powerful, irreverent, infuriating and footnote-writing djinni, Bartimaeus, from the Bartimaeus Trilogy. The book is truly independent, so you could read it before or after the trilogy. Really, it’s quite brilliant of the author to do this. The several thousand years old djinni, powered with the awesome supernatural capability and magical powers, along with his team, is into the dynasty of King Solomon, the uncontested emperor of Jerusalem at that time. The only thing the two sets of books have in common is the character of Bartimaeus and the alternate reality where magicians do works of power by binding demons to their will. Solomon has a ring with a spirit attached to it that is so powerful; no one can stand against him and of course, it is with the power of the ring that he gained his amazing wealth and carried out his magnificent building projects. Bartimaeus starts out in the employ of one of Solomon’s under-magicians, but then comes under the power of Asmira, a dedicated girl assassin sent by the Queen of Sheba to assassinate Solomon and steal his ring, a suicide mission, as far as Bartimaeus is concerned. Undoubtedly, an action-packed series that you just can’t afford to give a miss, and RightBooks.in brings you the opportunity to have it online. Check the link at www.rightbooks.in/product_details.asp?pid=9780385619165&The%20Ring%20Of%20Solomon for more details.

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