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APJ Abdul Kalam believes that it’s the scientific progress that makes India a strong contender of making it into the world leader status, and “The Scientific Indian A Twenty-first Century Guide To The World Around Us” demonstrates this possibility

His first identity was as the main person behind India’s missile and space program and one of the greatest scientists of his era, but he didn’t limit himself within the scientific acts only. He observed India’s potential to be the global leader for the future to come, and the only way to achieve that position is the scientific development in all fields. APJ Abdul Kalam demonstrates the India for the future in his book “The Scientific Indian A Twenty-first Century Guide To The World Around Us”, and this work clearly narrates you the possibility of India’s status earning as the global power. We are living in the time period where the concept of single power has been abolished, and besides the European Union countries, countries like China and India are strong contenders to be global leader for the others. With a strong economic stability, robust growth in the industrial productivity, significant development in the technical and scientific arena, certainly India is blessed with all the possibilities to achieve this feat. In the form of nuclear applications both for the defense as well as for the domestic power consumption, advanced level technical applicability for the industrial sectors, space programs, scientific development for the agricultural development are few examples that mark the progress of Indian economy in the recent. This economic stability was the key reason to absorb the recent economic turmoil, and the faith was instantly earned as the country to bank on. Kalam points out each of these achievements to bring the country that is all set to be the world leader for tomorrow, in all terms. However, he warns as well that this is just the beginning phase, and there is no scope for getting complacent. Still a lot needs to be done, still a number of achievements are to be made, so as to rated as the developed nation. That’s the work that RightBooks.in has in store for you, and www.rightbooks.in/product_details.asp?pid=9780670083442&The%20Scientific%20Indian%20%20%20A%20Twenty%20first%20Century%20Guide%20To%20The%20World%20Around%20Us is your address to visit.

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