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David Kirkpatrick descrbes the phenomenon of “The Facebook Effect”

It’s the Facebook phenomena that is on course everywhere. A Social Networking website with over 400 millions of active users, every one in five internet users have Facebook account, on average every user spends an hour in Facebook account after logging in, the network growing @ 5% every month worldwide, the mostly visited website only next to Google-these statistics doesn’t introduce the story of Facebook to the fullest. And David Kirkpatrick shoulders the responsibility to bring it on, counter say “The Facebook Effect”, dealing with the inside story of the most favored social networking website ever made. Facebook’s growth since its inception in 2004 has been nothing short of phenomenal. With a membership hovering at around a half a billion people today, the ubiquitous site is an Internet success story like no other. In The Facebook Effect: The Inside Story of the Company that is Connecting the World, author David Kirkpatrick tells the remarkable tale of this industry colossus, and of the man behind it all, Mark Zuckerberg. Kirkpatrick was able to speak with the early players in the story fairly extensively, including Zuckerberg himself. The account of these nineteen-year-old kids building up a company valued at $15 billion over the course of just a few years is stunning. The growth pains that accompany such rapid success are also discussed, and Zuckerberg’s talent for getting advice from older dot-com veterans has helped Facebook survive some potentially fatal experiences. If you are interested in start ups, or how marketing and advertising are evolving, or just how Facebook is changing the world, buy this book. It’s very readable and gives great insights into how Facebook grew from a dorm room to a huge company. There’s no other book out there that gives such a complete history of the company and of Mark Zuckerberg. It commences with a single story of Facebook's sheer brawn: the Facebook-based organization of Colombian activists against paramilitary guerrillas that culminated in protests attended by hundreds of thousands. Then the book plunges into Facebook's flip-flops-and-Red-Bull days as a start-up headquartered out of a Harvard University dorm. By the end, it's setting up Facebook as, rightfully so, the most formidable rival to Web giant Google. It’s the story of Facebook as Facebook wants the story told. It is a wonderful, if flawed, story about the creation of a company that half a billion people interact with regularly. Go there at www.rightbooks.in/product_details.asp?pid=9780753522745&Facebook%20Effect,%20The and enjoy the inside story that RightBooks.in has brought to you.

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