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J. K. Rowling reaches the climax and “Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows” roars up for the final battle

You must not have doubt that there is another series of books which captures so carefully the teenage years of human beings. In these seven books, J. K. Rowling has described all of the phases teens move through: sweet openness and excitement, rebellion, self-hate, courage, daring, self-pity, romance and even selflessness. You have watched the main characters learn, love, play, succeed, fail, hate and develop an understanding of society and the circle of life. The three main characters - Harry, Ron and Hermione - shine in this book, and their challenges are the greatest they have ever faced. They are also all human, make mistakes and hurt the people they love, and everyone can identify with at least one of these characters. Harry's seventh year at Hogwarts is thrilling and is also the last book of the series. The book is full of twists, turns and heart-pumping scenes. Throughout the story, you find yourself hanging onto every word, unable to put down the book. Who will die? Will Lord Voldemort be defeated? What are the Deathly Hallows? What happens after the battle? And of course, the question everyone wants to know the answer to: Is Severus Snape a friend or foe? I don't want to give anything away, but if you have read the other books, you must read this exciting conclusion to the “Harry Potter series: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows”, by J. K. Rowling. “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows” is probably not Rowling's best book in the series and adults might find it to be a bit thin at times. It reads a bit rushed, and there are some spelling errors and plot glitches. But taken as a whole series, Rowling has done something only few other authors like Tolkien have done. She has created a series of books that can be read by child and adult alike and enjoyed in similar but slightly different ways. One just has to wonder if Rowling will be allowed to finish with Potter and what she has planned for her next novel. The book definitely sends out a strong message to the readers. It is not only about evil dying and goodness triumphing but majorly concerns itself with the power of love and virtues of courage and selflessness. Harry Potter is an epitome of all this. The climax of the book very beautifully brings out these messages. Rowling emphasises on the fact that the reason Harry was special wasn’t because of any hidden magical power (there was none as it turns out) but because of the love and sacrifice of his mother who died protecting him. This is precisely what he does when he sets out to fight the dark lord for the sake of others. The power of love and friendship plus the courage and will to fight against wrong is something that book talks about in great detail. All this makes the book very special and is a must read for all. Something you must buy for your kid, and the link at www.rightbooks.in/product_details.asp?pid=9781408810606&Harry%20Potter%20And%20The%20Deathly%20Hallows%20[Signature%20Edition] that RightBooks.in just makes it happening.

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