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Jay Elliot in his effort “The Steve Jobs Way”, shares the lessons that come out of Steve Job’s intuitive approach to show how the creative and technological brilliance of iLeadership can be utilized to drive breakthroughs in any organization, irrespective of size

While looking for the books that meets quality, the catalogs from RightBooks.in has always been the most effective one for you. You must agree that the leadership in corporate excellence level demands a different degree of application; something that Steve Jobs did for apple. Single-handedly he took Apple to the winning position, and RightBooks.in has brought you his winning formulae in business, as Jay Elliot, the Vice president of Apple narrates in “The Steve Jobs Way”. Jay Elliot makes it clear time and again in the book that Steve Jobs had an almost obsessive passion for the products that Apple built. In his (Steve's) eyes, they weren't just building computers; they were “changing the world”. The book quotes John Scully, former CEO of Pepsi CO, and Steve Jobs' successor and predecessor as CEO at Apple. He describes a situation when he was being 'courted' by Steve to come to Apple. He recalls being asked by Steve, then a young 20-something, if he wanted to, continue selling sugar water for the rest of his life or if he wanted to change the world. You wouldn't ask someone that unless you truly believed it yourself!! Steve Jobs’ management style, his entrepreneurial spirit and his unique way of being appear to be resonating with today’s marketplace. Whether it’s his relentless focus on the customer experience or his ability to create a culture of innovation and creativity, Jobs has captured the interest of consumers and businesspeople alike. If you’re looking for a break from checklists and worksheets that poke and prod at your brain to come up with new ideas, this book offers a gentler way of thinking about things while you read about Elliot’s experiences and Jobs’ actions and reactions to common business challenges. Jay talks about Steve and the internal functioning of the Company with such high regard that you feel that you are present and talking to Jay about Steve. And only a person who has been truly inspirational can evoke such feelings within others. Be there at www.rightbooks.in/product_details.asp?pid=9788179927687&The%20Steve%20Jobs%20Way to know this winning mantra better.

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