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Dan Brown drifts the fly of the “Digital Fortress”

Dan Brown just can’t live without the love for puzzles, and every time he is busy in drafting something, you get the perfection in pulsating action series, and each of them gets the origin from the puzzles. RightBooks.in has been a regular source you while looking for his books, and Digital Fortress isn’t the exception. A very enjoyable read, especially if you're into technology security and encryption. The storyline revolves around the National Security Agency (NSA) and their activities surrounding the monitoring of communication. They are able to break any encryption with the aid of a massive secret computer, and life is good. But when a code appears that cannot be broken, all hell breaks loose. The author, a former employee of the NSA, is about to release the code to the highest bidder. The NSA has to stop this from happening so that they will not be locked out of all encrypted data. When the employee is murdered, it gets impossible to tell who is selling out whom. Great pacing, believable storyline, and a very good read. If you want a nice techno-escape, this would be a great choice. As usual, Dan Brown is brilliant and thorough. Once again, this Dan Brown novel emphasizes cryptography and details its origins, uses and various forms, and the subject makes for fascinating reading, if a bit dry. Through the central character of Susan, we come to see how cryptography has evolved in today’s time and also something about the NSA, its functions, capabilities and awesome power. With an ingenious plot whose exciting premise is further bolstered by a rapid pace, lots of suspense, interesting characterizations and a romantic entanglement thrown in for good measure, Digital Fortress is a cutting-edge techno-thriller that compels the readers to wonder how much the government is concealing from the public, and whether big brother is really watching everything everywhere. Dan Brown’s laudable detailed research makes this book so realistic it’s scary. Moreover, it will provoke readers to think and wonder if this loss of privacy and violation of human rights is justified by the number of horrific terrorist plots foiled and lives spared daily -- an interesting dilemma. Your imagination is captured right at the start and it just explodes from there, until it got to the point where you just can't put it down. Like in all his other books, Dan Brown includes interesting facts about random things, history, and the government. One drawback is that some aspects were guessable. For instance, the final part of finding the key to the “Digital Fortress” was too simple. A reader can easily guess the answer. Even the villain was revealed quite early, but Dan Brown still managed to keep the thrill alive till the end. Be here at www.rightbooks.in/product_details.asp?pid=9780552161251&Digital%20Fortress to get your copy now.

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