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Khaled Hosseini has unfolded a heart-wrenching story of two women in the war-torn Afghan society in his “A Thousand Splendid Suns”

After a brief intermission since his last release “Kite Runner” Khaled Hosseini is again back in the scene with his new novel “A Thousand Splendid Suns”. This Afghan author has undergone through immense political hazards during his growing years. His personal turmoil experiences reflects through the main protagonists of his stories This story is based on the backdrop of volatile days of Afghanistan that portrays a remarkable chronicle of events of long thirty years beginning from the Soviet invasion till the post-Taliban period. It reveals the dreadful and horror sight of the changing political scenario and the helpless plight of the common masses entrapped in this devastating time of humanity. The string of relationships in this background of violence and hatred has been portrayed with immense literary proficiency. The story revolves around the life story of two ill-fated Afghan women Mariam and Laila. How they met each other and how a strong friendship and bonding developed between them in the midst of all these conflictions. Mariam was an illegitimate girl and so she was living with her mother away from her father. In a sudden twist of fate Mariam had to leave Kolba and was forced to live with her father after her mother committed suicide from the fear of losing her. She was married to Rasheed who was thirty years older than her. Mariam being unable to give birth to a baby earned Rasheed’s displeasure. During her devastating mental state Laila appeared in the scene. Laila who was in deep love with her neighbourhood boy Tariq was forced to bid adieu to her love as Kabul was attacked. Laila was also about to leave the city with her parents but her house was destroyed by bombing. She was rescued by Mariam and was married to Rasheed. A strong bonding developed between these two mentally tortured deprived ladies. In this crucial moment Tariq appears in the scene in quest of his love. Mariam donned the role of a saviour and came to rescue of the two estranged lovers. She killed Rasheed to save Laila and was executed. The story ends with a new ray of hope and aspirations. It ends on a sweet note of union of Laila and Tariq and rejuvenating the glory of love amidst the warfare and political turmoil. It establishes the hope of revival o the society and the mankind. The efforts and contribution of Laila and Tariq to build up a new society has an embedded message that convinces us with the fact not to lose our hopes and to nurture our dreams under any circumstances. RightBooks.in has this book in its store. If you are interested to grab a copy of this international bestseller copy then go and have a look in this link to check out the price and other details www.rightbooks.in/product_details.asp?pid=9780747585893&A Thousand SplendidSuns.

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