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“Catch 22” by Joseph Heller is a classic satirical story unveiling the horrors of World War II

The phrase “Catch 22” is first introduced in the English dictionary by the American author Joseph Heller through his novel “Catch 22”. This book is considered to be one of the best literary works of twentieth century. The plot of the story dates back to the time of Second World War the story involves a number of characters Captain John Yossarian being the lead protagonist. He was a bombardier in the 256th Squadron of the Army Air Forces stationed on Pianosa, an imaginary island in the Mediterranean Sea between mainland Italy and Corsica. The story has not maintained the perfect chronological order as it narrates the incidents between the years 1942 to 1944. The early chapters of this novel are rather satirical about the bureaucratic administration system mainly political and military establishments. Yossarian’s stories are the central plot of the book. The satires of the first few chapters gradually take darker shades and the chapters start turning grimmer. Novel has a humorous dramatic starting. Yossarian is admitted in the base hospital complaining about fake liver ailments. Somehow he has learnt that hospital is a peaceful shelter and the liver sickness can not be easily detected. Then a series of hilarious happenings in hospital comes to an end with the returning back of disgusted Yossarian to his tent. His tent mate has improved the condition of the tent by implementing innovative mechanical skills. Though the story is set in the backdrop of constant warfare and death, still beginning pages are comparatively light-hearted. But the sudden flashback changes the mood of the story drastically. First attempt of Yossarian as a bombardier has a tragic ending causing the death of a soldier. This incident keeps on haunting him even after his promotion. As the story enhances it reveals the darker side of the squadron mess under the leadership of Milo Minderbinder. He has contracts with both the parties and ended up arranging for an air raid in his own base camp for profit. Several other incidents pop up during Yossarian’s constant efforts of survival. His friend Nately falls in love with a prostitute. But Nately unfortunately dies in the very next mission. When his girlfriend is informed about his certain demise she immediately accuses Yossarian for his death. While travelling through the streets of Rome Yossarian encounters all sorts of human horrors. He is arrested for being in Rome without consent. He is provided with two options for his discharge. But being concerned about the values of common innocent people he prefers to run away to Sweden and to be the master of his own life. RightBooks.in has this interesting book in their collection. Fed up of reading all the same type of emotional fictional stories?? Then you must by this legendary literary work portraying the ruthless harsh realities involving the true scenario of warfare. www.rightbooks.in/product_details.asp?pid=9780099536017&Catch%2022 is the connection that will lead you to “Catch 22”. Go through the link and make this exceptional book to be a part of your collection.

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