“Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever” is the sixth release of the Wimpy Kid series. It is the renowned children book series by Jeff Kinney, the American author who became popular for his world famous series. Greg is the central character of this story. The entire diary is composed on the basis of the happenings in his life and the weird and bizarre incidents that ultimately turn him from zero to a hero. The story begins in the Christmas holiday session. Greg is apprehensive due to various petty unwanted hazards. During Christmas time he is supposed to behave properly by his parents and he is anxious about his impression on Santa. He is worried about the fact whether he will be in the good or the in the bad book of Santa. Greg is in a misconception that he is in troubles with the police as his policy to earn money has failed. He along with his friend Rowley makes an attempt to sell chicken drumsticks in a much lesser price than the school. But owing to rains the green neon light from their advertisement poster ruined the school wall. Both of them flee. Rowley manages to escape by a clever did but Greg is caught. Returning home he finds out a note from police and is afraid that police is after him for the poster crime. Due to a sudden blizzard his father fails to reach home and stays back in a hotel. Manny is now under the care of Greg and Rodrick as he has turned mummy almost blind by breaking her spectacles. The basement gets flooded. To make the situations worse there is a shortage of food accompanied by a sudden power cut. Greg then eventually finds out that power cut was due to Manny. He is in the mood of teaching a lesson to others as nobody has taught him to tie his shoelaces. Greg then brings the power back in house. Then all of a sudden things start falling in its right place. Greg’s father arrives home during the Christmas Eve which according to his Mom is a miracle. Greg is much relieved to find out that his assumption about the police was wrong. Police appeared in the scene for toy drive and not for Greg. More miracles shape up automatically in Greg’s that helps him to earn lots of praises. Jeff Kinney has composed a rather interesting story for the kids. RightBooks.in has the book in its store. If you are thinking of gifting your child with a book then this can be a very appropriate choice for him or her. Check out the price and delivery details about the book in this following link www.rightbooks.in/product_details.asp?pid=9780141341880&Diary Of A%20WimpyKid Cabin Fever. Encourage your child for reading story books by gifting this story book.
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