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The Pulitzer prize winner Jhumpa Lahiri has earned quiet a fame through her impeccable style of writings

The nexgen Indian writers are going places in the recent times, and surely Jhumpa Lahiri is one of the brightest ones among them. It didn’t matter at all, that she didn’t wrote much; what mattered is her writing topic. She covered the cross culture between the Indian and Western societies in her write-ups, and that’s the winning strategy of her written stuffs. And the online book shopping concern called RightBooks.in has always been the destination for you, whenever you searched for quality writings from noted authors like Jhumpa Lahiri. Your trip to www.rightbooks.in explores all her noted works just under a single link. The one that won her maiden Pulitzer award in 2000, called Interpreter of Maladies, is the story that describes the status of the Indians both in India and in the US, through the life journey of Mrs. Sen. She is the perfect example of the cross marriage couples staying in US for years, yet couldn’t go beyond the status of an immigrant there. The pattern continued in Namesake as well, and this time the story is about the identity crisis felt by a kid, who is in a fix between the Indian traditional cultures and the Western modern societies. The Ganguly family wishes to groom their child in the Indian values, and this effort are encountered by the ultra modern western surroundings. Not just the kid is in a conflict between these two extreme societies, but also the family as well. This is the story that will surely appeal you, and www.rightbooks.in is the place where your desire to have these class acts by Lahiri is met. The Unaccustomed Earth is another fine work by Lahiri that RightBooks.in hosts, and this is the story of a young woman whose life is changed after she discovers the secret affair of her father. Jhumpa Lahiri has scripted several short stories as well, and a visit to www.rightbooks.in/Product_search.asp?cid=1&fc=2&fsr=Jhumpa+Lahiri&pt=2 will let you get them in the form of Galpa Saptadash, collection of seventeen short stories translated in Bengali. You can have them all at discounted prices, and RightBooks.in guarantees of secured payment and timely delivery.

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