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A veteran in Indian literature circuit, Anita Desai is a name with honor and respect for the fellow literature personalities

Anita Desai is the author with exceptional narration expressing capability. No matter whether its novels, or short stories, or stories for your children, she is the all-in-one writer for you. Her most noted work, in the form of children literature, called The Village by The Sea, is the work that illustrates the struggle for existence for two siblings. Both are in their early teens, and when the children in their ages are having a healthy lifestyle, these two are to adopt means to survive not just themselves, but also their sisters, ailing mother, and the drunkard father. This story will definitely touch your heart, just the way Journey To Ithaka will do for you. This is another moving story of two persons, who have come to India in search of their roots. Driven by a spiritual quest, Sophie and Matteo have come to India, where Matteo is drawn toward the Mother, a charismatic and mysterious guru. In an effort to reclaim her lover, Sophie embarks on her own journey for the truth about the Mother's past and finds that wisdom is found in the journey itself, not at its destination. Or you can consider In Custody, the book on an ailing musician, who has reached his final days, and meets a young musician whom he can relate with. They start sharing a strange relationship; eventually the old musician decides to give away all the rights of his unreleased compositions to his partner. In fact, this book was transformed into a movie with similar name that had won many international awards. You can also look for noted and appreciated books like Where Shall We Go This Summer, Diamond Dust, Bye-Bye Blackbird, The Artist of Disappearance, Games At Twilight, Fire on the Mountain etc. And when it’s about quality write ups, you already know that RightBooks.in is the concern to visit. Just like we did for other writers, this time is no exception for Anita Desai either, and the link at www.rightbooks.in/Product_search.asp?cid=1&fc=2&fsr=Anita+Desai&pt=2 is the destination for you, to have this widespread genre of offerings from her.

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