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Greg Heffley enters his early teens, and the “Ugly Truth” is what that he immediately encounters

The age of puberty is a critical time for the teenagers. This is the age that results so much of changes, not just for the body parts, but also most significantly in the mentality of the individual. Greg Heffley, the central character in the “Diary of a wimpy Kid” series by Jeff Kinney, is no exception either in this regard. In earlier book series, you saw him as a kid, living in his own word of imagination and all the kiddish attitudes. However, Kinney felt the need to him up, and the fifth book of his “Diary of a wimpy Kid” series, called the “Diary of a wimpy Kid : The Ugly Truth” is just about that. The ugliness is symbolic here in the form of the changed mindset that made Greg perceive the world surrounding him, suddenly has changed a lot. Although this cartoon series involves funny and witty acts and experiences that Greg encounters, but the seriousness of the child’s psychology is also beautifully narrated in this series for you. In this particular series, you will see Greg is growing up, he is in his early teens, the puberty hormones have its actions, and not surprisingly, Greg is experiencing the change. He is showing more interest in his fellow classmates belonging to the opposite genders, and the way he is handling the relationships is completely a different affair altogether, when compared with his early days. He is not even bothered, when the confrontation takes place between him and his once best friend Rowley Jefferson. Greg is heading towards the maturity stage, and is realizing the value of shouldering responsibilities. Problem is, he is experiencing it all on a sudden, and he is unclear whether he is ready at all to bear this or not. However, still he is not hesitant to go over this changed situation, and keeps realizing, rather enjoying his role. Undoubtedly, this work is a perfectly complimentary one when compared with the earlier series books, and RightBooks.in hosts it for its Kid’s specific section. The link at www.rightbooks.in/product_details.asp?pid=9780141331980&The Ugly Truth takes you there.

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