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Motivational factors, proper man management, convincing capability are the few factors that makes a successful salesman, exactly the one Shiv Khera stresses upon in “You Can Sell”

Sales and marketing is the heart of any business activity. No commercial organization runs for non-profit purpose, and the aim for profit maximization is attained while executing the most effective sales and marketing strategy. In fact, unlike marketing, sales involve a lot more responsibility, because this act involves the direct interaction with the clients. While making the cold callings, or turning the leads into the prospects, it’s the technique that matters, while selling. Right from the personality of the salesperson to the talking styles, the effort by Shiv Khera, called You Can Sell is a perfect grooming way for the potential sales person. And You Can Sell is his experience sharing and making the effective suggestions that can turn any common person a successful salesperson. In the job portals, almost half of the job vacancies are for the sales and marketing related ones, and this abundance indicates the scope of career making in sales and marketing. True, sales activities are not a cakewalk to execute; pressure for targets, generating contacts, lead management, and above everything, convincing a completely unknown person about the existing offers are something that are tougher than it actually appears. But the systematic training can overcome these hurdles with ease, and that’s what Mr. Khera has exactly tried to offer for the people associated with the sales force activities. In fact, not just for the persons associated with sales, but also for those who manage sale activities. Sale is something that needs more practical exposure, and scope for theories are limited here. Instant intelligence, ability to gauge the client’s psychology, ability to convince with great communication is what that pays in this particular act, but how to execute that is the million dollar question. That’s where You Can Sell wins hands down, and RightBooks.in house it for the clients. A visit to www.rightbooks.in/product_details.asp?pid=9788129116000&You Can Sell will fetch it straightaway, with the facilities like discounted rates, timely delivery etc.

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