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“The Finkler Question” is a wonderful tale of friendships drafted by Howard Jacobson, the one that earned him his maiden Man Booker title

Certainly “The Finkler Question” is a terrifying and ambitious novel, full of dangerous shallows and dark, deep water. It takes in the mysteries of male friendship, the relentlessness of grief and the lure of emotional parasitism. Life is something that features the virtues like exclusion and belonging, justice and love, aging, wisdom and humanity, and this book touches every bit of them to result the work that is worth of every appreciation that it has got. Much was the criticism about this book, when Howard Jacobson bagged his maiden Man Booker title for this work. The way this book handles the tough philosophies of life is really unique on its own way. Hilarious and romantic at the start, it becomes more and more discomfiting as it progresses, especially in its chilling depiction of modern anti-Semitism. If the reader yearns (like my old classmate) for Jewish happiness, Jacobson – truly one of the funniest writers of the modern times – is more than willing to provide it. However, it's just that happiness isn't the whole story. Jewish, despite being an age old religion, is bound to be taken differently especially in this 21st century generation, and Jacobson drafts brilliant work in this regard, something that only he is capable of exerting. “The Finkler Question” is a look at exclusion and belonging, justice and love, aging, wisdom and humanity. It tackles the present state of Jewish identity in Britain and how it deals with the Gentile population. But friendship is also a theme here and Jacobson’s writing is brilliant. The book hits on some very important topics such as men and how they relate to each other, competition, insecurity, multiculturalism and Judaism all woven together with humor, poignancy and pathos by Jacobson. The most interesting characters in the novel are the three who, unlike Julian, do possess identities: Libor, Sam, and Hephzibah. It is through them, both directly and as refracted through Julian that the novel makes clear how complicated and difficult contemporary Jewish life in England can be. Yet another quality work that RightBooks.in has housed, and www.rightbooks.in/product_details.asp?pid=9781408809105&The Finkler Question is the link that you are to check out.

Paulo Coelho believes in just about being simple, loyal, honest and the rest will follow automatically, and “The Alchemist” is just about that philosophy

Life with its full coloration to flaunt themselves, right before you; that’s what you expected out of that. Actually, Paulo Coelho believes the same, and his belief is reflected through his works in a simplified, easy to understand manner. Although he is a writer specializing in Portuguese, but his written stuffs have earned appreciation from all corner of the globe. And the book holding the world record for being translated in maximum languages, called “The Alchemist”; the one that perhaps needs no introduction is what that RightBooks.in has in place now. Without having to use too much of ornamental stuffs, his works kept increasing the toll of its lovers worldwide. And its RightBooks.in for you, to make yourself access to the book collections, that have made millions of book lovers amazed with its unique narrative approach. Quality literature is what synonymous with the Paulo Coelho write-ups, and in the form of this particular author genre, we have lived up to this reputation. It’s the rare stuff that you may categorize as the one that falls within the adventurous ones, but in reality, it showcases the one that deals with the golden philosophy of following your hearts, when there is a situation of choosing between two options. Your heart always speaks the right thing, that’s the one that Santiago, the main character in “The Alchemist”, realized, and indirectly places the necessity for following the same when you are put into the same situation. While being in the journey in search of the lost treasure, Santiago was tasted several times; whether he was about to identify the Alchemist, or realizing the meaning of the feeling he had for Fatima, every time he listened to his heart to get the right answer. It’s not just another bestseller, it’s the book that will compel you to rethink and re-look at the life and mentality you are composed of. The respective link at www.rightbooks.in/product_details.asp?pid=9788172234980&The Alchemist  hosts it for the visitors.

Dr. Alka Pandey brings a brief history on “Indian Erotic Art”

From the earliest terracotta images of the Mother Goddess to tantric diagrams, from palm-leaf paintings to celluloid depictions, from the fine details of miniature paintings to modern art and advertising graffiti, this book covers ground that few have trod. Finding a striking continuity in the motifs used in erotic art, it grounds them in the principles that have shaped brush strokes and line drawings, curvatures and camera focuses down the centuries. The book also studies the currents of globalisation, and the impact of Western art on the modern artists. Something you can always expect from Dr. Alka Pandey regarding the definition of sensuality, and her “Indian Erotic Art is a prime example of the same. If there is one subject that has failed to come under a serious preview of Indian art, it is erotica. Grossly under-represented and misused -- as a source of titillation by some, as a marketing principle by others - erotica has finally found the focus it deserves with this book. Exploring erotica in Indian art, from the images of the Mother Goddess to tantric diagrams, from palm leaf to celluloid, and from miniature paintings to modern art, this book finds a continuity in the motifs and the principles that shaped brush strokes, line drawings, and camera focuses down the centuries. f there is one subject that has failed to come under a serious preview of Indian art, it is erotica. Grossly under-represented and misused -- as a source of titillation by some, as a marketing principle by others -- erotica has finally found the focus it deserves with this book. Rarely has the subject of erotica come under the serious purview of Indian art. Grossly under-represented and misused as a source of titillation by some; a marketing principle by others-erotica has finally found the focus it deserves with this book. From the earliest terracotta images of the Mother Goddess to tantric diagrams, from palm-leaf paintings to celluloid depictions, from the fine details of miniature paintings to modern art and advertising graffiti, Indian Erotic Art covers ground that few have trod. Finding a striking continuity in the motifs used in erotic art, it grounds them in the principles that have shaped brush strokes and line drawings, curvatures and camera focuses down the centuries. The book also studies the currents of globalisation, and the impact of Western art on the modern artist. Varied visuals, some as old as Indian civilisation itself, most as sensuous as the topic they cover chart this 'voyage' of rediscovery. You have RightBooks.in as your partner, to own this masterpiece research that Dr Pande has drafted, and www.rightbooks.in/product_details.asp?pid=9788174361899&INDIAN EROTIC ART is your link to visit.

“Dreams From My Father A Story Of Race And Inheritance Barack Obama” is the story US President Barack Obama pens himself

After so many written outlays, finally the official one came from the man himself. This is the book to read if you want to understand US President Barack Obama's personal background and how it forms his character. It was written while he was still only an obscure State Senator, written in his spare time, without a ghost writer, while struggling to make ends meet on a state senator's salary. Therefore it is an honest portrait, made before Barack Obama even intended to run for US Senate, much less for President. This book will discuss one aspect of Barack Obama's background, which is his internationalism. I'm writing this shortly after Barack Obama returned from his "campaign trip" abroad, which included fact-finding in Iraq and drawing a crowd of 200,000 fans in Germany. While the mainstream press was overwhelmingly enamored with Barack Obama on that trip, it has become clear upon Barack Obama's return that the voting public has not responded nearly as positively. Barack Obama's popularity abroad relates to Barack Obama's international upbringing, as outlined in this book. In his first book, Dreams From My Father, A Story of Race and Inheritance, Barack Obama takes his readers along on a beautifully crafted journey of self-discovery. First published over a decade ago and recently re-published by Random House, it is a compelling tale not only of race and cultural inheritance, but also of human nature, human experience, life lessons, and personal growth. Barack Obama tells his own life story (which is a fantastic story in itself) in a thoughtful and reflective way. This is the story of a wisely examined life. The fact that readers, regardless of skin color, social background, or cultural heritage can find themselves in its pages reminds us that as human beings we all share plenty of similarities as well as differences. Barack Obama opens his story in New York, where he hears that his father, a figure he knows more as a myth than as a man, has died in a car accident. The news triggers a chain of memories as Barack Obama retraces his family’s unusual history: the migration of his mother’s family from small-town Kansas to the Hawaiian islands; the love that develops between his mother and a promising young Kenyan student, a love nurtured by youthful innocence and the integrationist spirit of the early sixties; his father’s departure from Hawaii when Barack Obama was two, as the realities of race and power reassert themselves; and Barack Obama’s own awakening to the fears and doubts that exist not just between the larger black and white worlds but within himself. The link at www.rightbooks.in/product_details.asp?pid=9781847670946&Dreams From My Father A Story Of Race AndInheritance Barack Obama house the interesting story, and once more RightBooks.in is your destination to visit.

Kristin Cast, and P. C. Cast joins together to take you to “Destined A House Of Night Novel”

One thing you need to bear in mind that is that while the characters are having sex occasionally in the series, and they swear - they do talk like seven year olds sometimes. It can wear on the nerves quite steadily, as characters of this age do not speak like that. However, that being said, this is one of the better books in the series. Cast's character definition, which was sorely lacking in the last few, comes into play in Destined. At least two characters mature, and you get insights into two of the favourites. The storyline works, and the change near the end of the book is surprising but believable. In the last few books, it felt like the storyline was being stretched far too thinly, and the plot was often meandering and dry - in this book though, it comes back to being fast paced without being rushed. Much more like the P. C. Cast you have known since long. This is a fascinating story. It is deep and moving with details that are plentiful. The story flows smoothly and the use of the right choice of words, well-crafted lines and good characters made it a compelling read. You will find it a story to return to even though the genre isn't at the top of your list. There is something about the story that reminds me of The Verdict of Hades. This story flows smoothly and it is fast-paced. Zoey is finally home where she belongs, safe with her Guardian Warrior, Stark, by her side, and preparing to face off against Neferet - which would be a whole lot easier if the High Counsel saw the ex-High Priestess for what she really is. But there are new forces at work at the House of Night. An influx of humans threatens their precarious stability. And then there's the mysterious Aurox, a jaw-droppingly gorgeous boy who is actually more - or possibly less - than human. Only Zoey can sense the compassion that wars with his Dark calling. Will Neferet's true nature be revealed before she succeeds in silencing them all? And will Zoey be able to touch Aurox's humanity in time to protect him - and everyone - from his own fate? This is the best book yet from the House of Night series! Its pace was perfect in my opinion nothing felt rushed or too drawn out which. The characters change throughout this book but the change seems natural and realistic - I feel they make the book a little more mature too. The story line is captivating, the romance, heartache and all the usual chaos that comes with the latest house of night books. Be here at www.rightbooks.in/product_details.asp?pid=9781905654864&Destined A House Of Night Novel (Book 9) to watch more that RightBooks.in places for you.

Khaled Hosseini has unfolded a heart-wrenching story of two women in the war-torn Afghan society in his “A Thousand Splendid Suns”

After a brief intermission since his last release “Kite Runner” Khaled Hosseini is again back in the scene with his new novel “A Thousand Splendid Suns”. This Afghan author has undergone through immense political hazards during his growing years. His personal turmoil experiences reflects through the main protagonists of his stories This story is based on the backdrop of volatile days of Afghanistan that portrays a remarkable chronicle of events of long thirty years beginning from the Soviet invasion till the post-Taliban period. It reveals the dreadful and horror sight of the changing political scenario and the helpless plight of the common masses entrapped in this devastating time of humanity. The string of relationships in this background of violence and hatred has been portrayed with immense literary proficiency. The story revolves around the life story of two ill-fated Afghan women Mariam and Laila. How they met each other and how a strong friendship and bonding developed between them in the midst of all these conflictions. Mariam was an illegitimate girl and so she was living with her mother away from her father. In a sudden twist of fate Mariam had to leave Kolba and was forced to live with her father after her mother committed suicide from the fear of losing her. She was married to Rasheed who was thirty years older than her. Mariam being unable to give birth to a baby earned Rasheed’s displeasure. During her devastating mental state Laila appeared in the scene. Laila who was in deep love with her neighbourhood boy Tariq was forced to bid adieu to her love as Kabul was attacked. Laila was also about to leave the city with her parents but her house was destroyed by bombing. She was rescued by Mariam and was married to Rasheed. A strong bonding developed between these two mentally tortured deprived ladies. In this crucial moment Tariq appears in the scene in quest of his love. Mariam donned the role of a saviour and came to rescue of the two estranged lovers. She killed Rasheed to save Laila and was executed. The story ends with a new ray of hope and aspirations. It ends on a sweet note of union of Laila and Tariq and rejuvenating the glory of love amidst the warfare and political turmoil. It establishes the hope of revival o the society and the mankind. The efforts and contribution of Laila and Tariq to build up a new society has an embedded message that convinces us with the fact not to lose our hopes and to nurture our dreams under any circumstances. RightBooks.in has this book in its store. If you are interested to grab a copy of this international bestseller copy then go and have a look in this link to check out the price and other details www.rightbooks.in/product_details.asp?pid=9780747585893&A Thousand SplendidSuns.

Nigella Lawson has written an awesome cook book “Nigella Express”

Nigella Lawson is one of the authors of best-selling book. Nigella Lawson is not a chef but her cooking has characterised everyone life. She starts her life as food writer with a healthy passion for the food world. She returned with many new friends, interests and souvenirs. The most important thing, Nigella comes in everyone life in the form of a hardcover book “Nigella Express”, and completely transformed the way thought about food, food writers and celebrity. Nigella and her style of cookery have earned special place in our lives, most pleasurable, most hand-on and least fussy about good food. Nigella is a smart sexy women who gives the better idea that it might be the fun or even relaxing to make time to cook again. Nigella Lawson, In her cook book “Nigella Express”, present a fabulous recipe of fast food, ingenious short cuts, terrific time-saving ideas, effortless entertaining and easy, delicious meals. The constant in the recipes is simplicity, freshness, and enjoyment: easy cooking and easy eating. This new book is every working mother's dream and a joy for everyone who wants to cook but can't seem to find the time. Recipes of Nigella Lawson are delicious and easy to cook. It’s done on a different theme, being mostly fast cooking or fast action in the kitchen followed by non-hands on spell in the oven for example. Most recipes have pictures too, so it’s very bright and colorful. “Nigella Express” cook book is a great book for an apprentice cook. The ingredients are few and used the right way and in the right quantities. The giving instruction is straight to the point and the recipe can be really be whispered up pretty quickly. This book gives you a right way to choose to help you a find a recipe fast. This is one of the most useful book for everyone to cook something quickly without lose flavor. This book delivers what it promises, quickly, easy to prepare mouth-watering food. Apart from that many more recipe are there, which is quick to prepare, easy to follow, that you can conjure up after a long day in office or on a busy weekend, for family or unexpected guest. This is a food that makes your kitchen with full of joy. “Nigella Express” cook book giving you a vital tips, how to keep your store cupboard stock freezer and ridge stacked. All in all, a good go-to reference book to plan your weeknight meals. Beginners will feel like stars when they successfully cook great-tasting meals from scratch, while intermediate to expert cooks will want to stray away from the recipes to add their own flavorings and finishing touches to bring the recipes to a more refined level. RightBooks.in gives you a opportunity to find your favoutaite recipe, by “Nigella Express” cook book and you have a www.rightbooks.in/product_details.asp?pid=9780701181857&Nigella Express just click on this link.

Aditya Nigam introduces a new type of “Desire Named Development”

It’s the developmental scale that decides the position of the country, and the hunger to grow more and faster has changed the concept of development, as Aditya Nigam feels for. “Desire Named Development”, the research works from him that RightBooks.in hosts, brings it right before you. Author has tried to bring attention to the fact that the private corporations are exploiting the natural resources with the help of the administration in such a way that it only benefits them and the small land owners who are exploited get nothing out of it. I also liked his example of how one automobile takes the space of 5-6 dwellings spaces of the poor families. Unfortunately the giver is always the poor of the society and receiver the rich adding to the economic divide. An interesting observation is that government wants to divest its loss making units as they are inefficient and not so productive and the assumption is that the private players can run them better. But when it comes to actual divestment, it is the highly productive companies that are divested, as private players are hardly interested in the loss making units. He has also looked at the conundrums like Tata Nano, which is supposed to provide four wheels to families that do not have them, but at what cost? He questions our calling the European experience of industrialization as the standard experience and shows how there is no such thing as each country there had its own journey and in its own way. The recent tragic stories played out in Kalinganagar, Singur and Nandigram show how many farmers suddenly find themselves up against the might of the state. The ‘theft’ of agricultural land from poor farmers in the name of progress has become routine. Meanwhile, private corporations continue to ravage the country’s natural resources without any protest from the administration. In “Desire Named Development”, Aditya Nigam makes the case for dismantling some cherished beliefs and for restructuring the economy and our cities in particular ways. Visit there at www.rightbooks.in/product_details.asp?pid=9780143067139&Desire Named Development to find the details.

The History comes alive again, as Amitava Ghosh revives his penning act in bringing the opium war in the Chinese territory straight to your desk, through “River of Smoke”

Over the last two decades, Amitava Ghosh has established himself as a writer of uncommon talent who combines literary flair with a rare seriousness of purpose. It saw Ghosh painting upon a much larger canvas than ever before, with a multitude of characters and an epic vision; and the novel was his first to be short listed for the Man Booker Prize. Though he did not win, the anticipation surrounding the second of the trilogy has remained high. “River of Smoke” does not disappoint. Sea of Poppies ended amidst a raging storm, rocking the triple-massed schooner, the Ibis, and its colorful array of seamen, convicts and laborers sailing forth in the course of transforming their lives. In September 1838 a storm blows up on the Indian Ocean and the Ibis, a ship carrying a consignment of convicts and indentured laborers from Calcutta to Mauritius, is caught up in the whirlwind. When the seas settle, five men have disappeared-two lascars, two convicts and one of the passengers. On the grand scale of an historical epic, River of Smoke follows its storm-tossed characters to the crowded harbors of China. There, despite efforts of the emperor to stop them, ships from Europe and India exchange their cargoes of opium for boxes of tea, silk, porcelain and silver. Among them are Bahram Modi, a wealthy Parsi opium merchant out of Bombay, his estranged half-Chinese son Ah Fatt, the orphaned amateur botanist Paulette and a motley collection of others in pursuit of romance, riches and a legendary rare flower. All struggle to cope with their losses-and, for some, unimaginable freedoms—in the alleys and crowded waterways of nineteenth-century Canton. Of all the evils done under the guise of "Free Trade," some of the most insidious were those carried out by the unofficial mercantile arm of the British Empire, The East India Tea Company yet it wasn't just the Chinese affected by this practice, but those in the British colonies of India and its neighbours - what is now Afghanistan, for example - where the poppies from which opium is made were grown who suffered, and still suffer today, from the repercussions of this trade. It’s the history resurfaces at you, and RightBooks.in through the link www.rightbooks.in/product_details.asp?pid=9780670082155&River%20Of%20Smoke catalyzes that bringing.

Rujuta Divekar suggests that “Don’t Lose your mind: Lose your weight”

Getting into the sensuous shape of Kareena Kapoor or the hunk physique of Hrithik Roshan, have always been your obsession, and now that wait to get into the same is finally here. After serving you the purpose of quality literatures and concurrent time centric write stuffs, now the service from RightBooks.in has concentrated on your body shape. Rujuta Divekar, the dietician for the celebrities opens the secret, and her penned act called “Don’t Lose your mind: Lose your weight” is here to come great for you. The link at www.rightbooks.in is actually your door to the dream body shape, and Divekar suggests to follow you a balanced diet, prescribed by the professional dietician and nutritionists rather than trying anything on your own. The book provides basic nutritional information regarding foods and the Glycemic index. The book was written from an Indian perspective and highlights the importance of eating foods generic to the region from where you belong but in reasonable amounts. The author also specifies what foods are best at what times especially before and after a workout and in which order they must be eaten. he words that most of the dieters use without really understanding them have been explained by Rujuta with the proficiency of an expert. So when she talks about crabs, proteins, fats, supplements, minerals and vitamins one is amazed by her understanding and grip on the subject. That the writer knows her business and is an expert at it can be discerned by going through just a few pages of the book. The language is literary and the style is conversational. With occasional insights into her own life and the goings in the world around, Divekar will surely keep you hooked with the book. The diet she has recommended for various types of people is very helpful. It covers people in different age groups, professions hence activity levels, life-stages and so on. Something that will come real helpful, and www.rightbooks.in/product_details.asp?pid=9788184001051&DontLose Your Mind, Lose Your Weight fetches you that.

“SACHIN: Genius Unplugged” is not only a jubilee of a master but also an unprejudiced take on what India as a nation, heaps on Tendulkar, as Suresh Menon’s latest piece of work describes

Suresh Menon’s latest square of work is boundless and refreshing. Sachin Tendulkar seen by a prism like never before. It has been argued that Tendulkar is the beneficiary (and victim) of an Indian culture of hero-worship, but this theory severs Tendulkar from his times and therefore obscures his significance. His career coincides with the rise of neo-liberal India and its competitive, inspirational ethic. For the class of Indians that in these years entered and embraced the global consumer culture, Tendulkar became a powerful signifier. If Sachin hadn’t existed, India would have had to invent him. The dominant culture of the day demanded an icon of success. This success has been seen as simultaneously “individual” and “national”. Tendulkar’s personal achievements were represented as a triumph for India as a whole, a sign of the country advancing on the world stage – like Indian corporations opening plants in Europe or the USA. Unwittingly and unwillingly, he found himself at the epicenter of a popular culture shaped by the intertwined growth of a consumerist middle class and an assertive, sometimes aggressive form of national identity. How he’s not been crushed by it all remains at least in part a mystery. Tendulkar has been a modern man playing in a modern style in the modern marketplace - and that’s what makes him of supreme importance to Indians. He’s a homegrown genius excelling in a transcontinental spectacle, a high-value icon of personal success in a globalized economy, a world-beater bred in the heart of Mumbai’s status-hungry middle class, yet he’s survived largely untainted by the turmoil, factionalism, jealousy and corruption surging around him. “SACHIN: Genius Unplugged” is beyond another book that discusses Sachin’s achievements; it brings the god of crocket in blood and flesh. Watch out the maestro opening up at www.rightbooks.in/product_details.asp?pid=9789380658179&SACHIN Genius Unplugged for you and RightBooks.in brings it right there.

“The Catcher In the Rye” written by J.D. Salinger takes back the readers to 1950’s America and familiarises them to the problems of growing up very relevent even today

J.D. Salinger in his timeless novel “The Catcher In The Rye” weaved a tale of a sixteen year old school dropout Holden Caulfield. Although he belonged to 1950s yet his crisis, emotional struggle of growing up is very real to the youth of present times. When Holden was expelled from his Prep School in Pennsylvania, he went to underground in New York City for three days and came in close quarters with some people who revealed to him the superficiality of the adult world. But while he alleged all adults of being self-important phonies, ironically Holden Caulfield struggled to connect with anyone his own age. Hence, Salinger’s protagonist was anything but a typical. His adolescent life was riddled with many contradictions. He was torn between the innocence of youth and reality of adulthood. But he was tired of sitting on the fence. And when he failed to relate to the people of his own age and felt isolated and lonely. He decided to seek the company among adult people. But soon he realized that this process seeking adult company entails the loss of innocence, and innocence once lost, was gone forever. This very realization made this troubled teenager boy’s mind more deeply conflicted. He prayed to his dead brother, Allie. He was unable to relate to anybody and felt as though he might vanish, disappear, the way Allie did. Holden made up his mind to run away and told his 10 year-old sister Phoebe about his plans. Phoebe wanted to accompany him but Holden disagreed to it. Pheobe was angry and disheartened when he says she can’t come along. Seeing how he had upset her, Holden decided not to leave and instead took Phoebe to ride the Central Park carousel. As his sister enjoyed herself Holden finally happiness and strange feeling of peace at heart. Through the complex character of Holden Caulfield, J.D. Salinger provided the young generation with an insight into the life transition that lie ahead of them. The novel raised all those questions that even a present day young boy can relate to or he might have asked at some point of time to understand the world around him and most importantly to understand himself. So whether we love or hate Holden Caulfield but we cannot ignore the fact that his story is timeless. To find this evergreen American classic all you need to do is click on www.rightbooks.in/product_details.asp?pid=9780241950425&The Catcher In The Rye

A troubled childhood that Casper Walsh underwent almost made him a “Criminal”

The first impression that you will be drawing about this Casper Walsh autobiography work is the honesty that the subject line deals with. This is an honest insight into the authors life that RightBooks.in has brought to you. It is an inspiring, challenging and gripping read. Written in a superb manner which holds your attention right down to the last word. Casper, without frills, writes about his life journey that includes drugs and incarceration. Having a father whom he loves deeply, despite leading Casper astray at such an early age. It is an insightful, painful at times, but also uplifting piece of work, written without being sentimental, having self pity or excuses for his life to date. The book shows that despite having such a 'loving' father, a son can find a way through the morals to find an acceptable self. Raised into a life of crime and drug addiction by his charismatic father, Caspar looked destined to follow him to jail. Using sparse, compelling language he lays out his gradual descent into depression and addictive behaviour, all of it on some level fuelled by the search for love and approval by the man who should have been shielding him from danger rather than exposing him to it. It's searingly honest stuff, addictively readable without ever wallowing in the wrongs that have been done to him. Indeed, as the book goes on you’ll find a deep respect for a man who has evidently learned to take responsibility - and turn a very rough start into a life-changing mission to other young offenders. A heart breakingly moving, traumatic and inspiring story illustrating how the strength and determination an individual can help them change their life and achieve their full potential. It is indeed about a childhood that many kids growing up in the late sixties and early seventies will be relate to; mum and dad getting stoned and/or drunk, loose morals and no structure. However Caspar’s parents did it in style; they split up and he spends half his time with each of them. However, mum’s new boyfriend doesn’t want Caspar and mum is asked to choose; Caspar lost. He starts a wonderfully bohemian lifestyle with dad in a caravan on Wimbledon Common in London, living on the proceeds of dad’s criminal shenanigans. You will note throughout this book the awful mention of social services is conspicuous by its absence. Dad meets the glamorous Sam and they settle down - sort of - to a lifestyle still supported by dad’s ability to rob, burgle and con, often with the help of a young Caspar. Needless to say, eventually dad gets caught bang to rights. This devastates the young Caspar and although realising that what his father is doing is wrong, the hero worship positively beams from this book. Check www.rightbooks.in/product_details.asp?pid=9780755317493&Criminal (Paperback) to get your copy.

Christopher Paolini comes up with the “Inheritance” series for your kid

Almost 10 years after Paolini self-published Eragon in 2002, he concludes the epic saga of the Inheritance Cycle with this thick fourth volume, the longest yet in the series. With Eragon, his dragon Saphira, and their many allies poised to do final battle against the evil emperor Galbatorix, there is still plenty of unfinished business to wrap up. Cities need to be liberated, enemy leaders (including Eragon's half-brother Murtagh) must be dealt with, prophecies await fulfillment, and a few game-changing secrets will be revealed. In full Tolkienesque style, Paolini luxuriates in excess details, side quests, and a lengthy denouement in which every last thread is wrapped up. The solidly entertaining plot is fleshed out with defining moments for every major character and a sense of completion (temporary or permanent) for all involved. While this final chapter is bogged down by an almost obsessive complexity with regard to the world-building, Paolini leaves readers with the satisfaction of a journey's end, along with the promise of new beginnings. It's a can't-miss for fans and completionists, and a worthy end to the story. This book is mainly about the final push of the Varden against the mighty empire and the long awaited confrontation between Eragon and Galbatorix and his great dragon! It is an extremely compelling and well written book, set in the magical land of Alagaesia, and is one of the best fantasy books I have read. Christopher Paolini is a great author who has been able to conjure up a fantastical yet believable world. This is just as brilliant as all the other books in the series and ends spectacularly, but not in the way you expected. Ultimately, perhaps part of the Inheritance series’ success is the simple enduring nature of coming-of-age novels. As with Oliver, Holden Caufield, Scout and Jem, Frodo, Harry Potter, and so many other characters, Eragon and Saphira have to face their world, and they grow up while doing so. And Paolini doesn’t make the growing up process cliche or easy. Eragon, for example, becomes more like the elves, physically and emotionally, but also eventually becomes hardened to killing, which is unlike the elves. Truly, this is the book member that makes it into the children book series that kids of any age would just love to add into the collections, and RightBooks.in widens the way for having it. Be there at www.rightbooks.in/product_details.asp?pid=9780385616508&Inheritance for more.

Danielle Steel shows a more powerful writing ability in “Southern Lights”

Southern Lights will give you the feel like coming back to home. The story of mother Alexa’s story will definitely touch you, and so will her daughter Savannah. Watching them both grow, change and overcome adversity when they needed to was very enjoyable. The secondary characters were also varied and really added to the story. There is every possibility that you’ll love to read of Savannah's time in Charleston and also the good mother-daughter relationship that Alexa and Savannah share (and also Alexa and her mother Muriel). It's nice to see that for a change in books. It's not deep reading, but it's entertaining. It could be repetitious at time, but the wonderful characters outweighed the repetition and the book was thoroughly enjoyed. True, the tide is changing in Danielle Steel’s writing. It's becoming more complex and fulfilling. As with any novel of a specific genre, readers need to make sure they are up for what the author is portraying. You could expect heartfelt storylines that deal with the human spirit of pain and healing as well as heartbreak and love, and never gets tiered of delivering that. Danielle Steel does an excellent job in this novel to bring all of these human emotions to us through her characters’ perspectives and actions. After 8 years of marriage, Alexa divorces her rich southern husband who goes on to remarry his ex-wife. Alexa hurt and destroyed moves to NY with her 8 year old daughter, where she makes it as a prominent lawyer and is now the DA assigned to a dangerous new case. Alexa must make the difficult decision to send her now 17 year old daughter, Savannah, back to her father and his family for her protection until Alexa is finished with her newly assigned case. What makes this novel a true accomplishment is the duality of the trial along with the reconnections with Alexa and Savannah’s pasts. Two storylines occurring at the same time help keep the readers’ engrossed in the shades of change that occur in each characters life from the beginning to the end of the very last page. Definitely you’ll be looking forward to the follow up novels and characters that Danielle Steel will bring to life. The suspense and trial were well weaved in as are the secondary characters to the inner turbulence that each character endures. In the end they each have trials to overcome and Danielle does it all with style and grace. Just a stroke onto www.rightbooks.in/product_details.asp?pid=9780552160254&Southern Light and you are set for getting the quality gift that RightBooks.in has in place for your reading habit.

Tara Dixon-Engel and Mike Jackson illustrate what it signifies for “Neil Armstrong One Giant Leap For Mankind”

Landing into the moon for the first time was more than what you could anticipate these days. And the writer duo Tara Dixon-Engel and Mike Jackson does a wonderful job by reviving the history right before you. It does a good job of telling Armstrong's life story plus you get a mini-history of the early years of the space program as well. It's a good read for enjoyment but would also be an excellent source for school report information. Even at an age when other boys were just learning to drive, Neil was training to reach the skies. He went on to study aeronautical engineering, win medals as a fighter pilot, try out the X-15 experimental rocket plane, and become one of the elite few chosen to be a NASA astronaut…where he took the test pilot’s credo of “higher, faster and farther” to thrilling heights. Award-winning authors Tara Dixon-Engel and Mike Jackson tell the fascinating story of how Armstrong went where no one had gone before, leaving his mark on the powdery surface of another world. So many behind the scenes events are covered by the writer duo in this book that you will instantly find that this book was very interesting. It guides you through the life of one of the coolest, most legendary people ever. Neil Armstrong is undoubtedly the most famous astronaut ever since he stepped on the moon first. There is guarantee that you will find that he content of the book was extremely helpful. Furthermore the book was extremely nice. Also the book is full of pictures and that made the book a lot more interesting and attractive for any reader. For any Neil Armstrong fun, this book is going to amaze. You’ll also spot that the lingo he talked to the operators with was unique. This book tells of the hopes and plans to put people living on the moon and mars. The planet is already overpopulated, so this ought to be done right away. Going to settle somewhere else will give people on earth and up there, some breathing room - the world needs it You have the opportunity to go to the insights of the most significant human achievement made in the twentieth century, and once more, who better than RightBooks.in to serve your search for such a researched and analyzed book work. Just the visit to the content rich link at www.rightbooks.in/product_details.asp?pid=9781402744969&Neil Armstrong One Giant Leap For Mankind to get your copy, and most interestingly, at the great lucrative discount packages.

“A Cupboard full of Coats” from Yvvette Edwards describes the story of domestic violence, the trans generational fall out of cross-culture and a lot of promise in her very first novel

There is one fact that you will find immediately after you go through Yvvette Edwards’s debut novel venture called “A Cupboard full of Coats”. In any novel, you will find one or two characters play the pivotal role, and the entire story plotting revolves around the character(s). However, in this case, you will spot a difference, for, the story itself is the central role player here. This is a story about domestic violence and the long, inter-generational shadow it casts. Some of the plot elements left me feeling a bit uncomfortable; I daresay that is not necessarily a bad thing. The elements of the plot that worked best for me were the more symbolic elements. Like a number of recent novels it seems to me, the consumption of food, features here, and it is done very well. Food, from the characters' Caribbean roots, is used as a comforting link to the past and a way of showing love. Clothing on the other hand, in particular, the cupboard full of coats of the title, represents for Jinx, the most tragic aspects of her mother's life. Edwards's prose shimmers with life; it is economical yet filled with warmth, which is no small feat given the subject matter of the novel. Fourteen years ago Jinx witnesses the horrific murder of her mother in their flat in the Pemsbury Estate in Hackney, London. It's an event that will blight her future relationship with her future husband and child and force her into semi-obscurity, feeling most comfortable with the cadavers she tends at the mausoleum where she works. After her mother’s violent murder, Jinx’s prolonged struggle beneath the weight of the blame puts her in danger of driving away the little family she has left. She seems incapable of breaking the chain of hurt that was forged many years before and risks shackling her infant son within the same painful confines, which she inhabits. Sharp nuances of human nature and idiosyncrasies of intimate relationships that will resonate with every reader. She has created complete, compelling characters and a narrative that grows ever more absorbing as it unfolds. A class described with the RightBooks.in service again, and www.rightbooks.in/product_details.asp?pid=9781851687978&A Cupboard Full Of Coats is the link for you.

Editors of Phaidon Press introduces details of ‘The Art Book”

This user-friendly book is an alphabetical reference guide to 500 of the world's greatest painters and sculptors, from antiquity to the present. Measuring roughly 5 by 6-1/2 inches and now in paperback, The Art Book is not only affordable, but also light, compact, and extremely portable, completely reforming the concept of an art reference book. It is perfect for the coffee table or for the backpack or pocketbook as well. Each artist is represented by a full-color plate and by explanatory and illuminating information on both the image and the artist. Cross-references are provided to other artists in the book, and glossaries of technical terms and artistic movements are also included, making the book a valuable reference tool in the art library. Presented are some of the most famous artists of all time and their greatest masterworks--never before have they been so accessible as they are in this format. Phaidon Press needs introduction in describing the Art forms, and Editors of Phaidon Press walked that extra mile to make The Art Book further understandable and collection worthy for you. The Art Museum is the finest art collection ever assembled between two covers. This revolutionary and unprecedented virtual art museum in a book, features 1,000 oversized pages of over 2,700 works of art. It is the most comprehensive and visually spectacular history of world art ever published. Ten years in the making, this unique book was created with a global team of specialists in all fields of art, including museum curators and educators, who have collected together important works as they might be displayed in the ideal museum for the art lover. Unrestricted by the constraints of physical space, this luxurious book is organized by innovative color-coded "galleries," "rooms, "corridors" and "special exhibitions" which display hundreds of paintings, sculptures, frescos, photographs, tapestries, friezes, installations, performances, videos, woodblock prints, folding screens, ceramics and manuscripts that tell the history of world art. This is the only museum to house Leonardo's Mona Lisa, a collection of Rembrandt's finest self portraits, Velazquez's Las Meninas and Picasso's Guernica, as well as ceramics from China, Hokusai's woodblock prints, gold artifacts from Peru, and works by Jackson Pollock in one place. With intelligent in-depth text throughout, explanatory labels for each artwork, a comprehensive glossary and detailed location maps, The Art Museum, is accessible for everyone from casual art fans to experts in the field. RightBooks.in has brought this exclusive opportunity to be there, and you have www.rightbooks.in/product_details.asp?pid=9780714836256&The Art Book (Paperback) to click upon to be there.

Deven Prabhudesai portrays “The Nice Guy Who Finished First : Biography of Rahul Dravid”

If there is one cricketer universally acknowledged as the Great Wall of Indian Cricket, it is Rahul Dravid, and RightBooks.in makes you know “The Wall” from close. Not only has he brought hours of pleasure to millions of his fans, he has played the game with exemplary courage, passion and commitment. In this he has been one of the biggest icons of cricket and a role model for the youth of the country. Rahul Dravid's talents go far beyond batting. He never wanted to keep wickets. He gave up wicketkeeping at the age of 16, yet ended up keeping for India in two World Cups. For someone who firmly believes that destiny lies in his hands, first opening the batting, then wicket keeping and more recently captaincy have been thrust on him. On each occasion Rahul Dravid has welcomed the additional responsibility with the spirit of a warrior. In this book, “The Nice Guy Who Finished First: Biography of Rahul Dravid”, the author, an eminent cricket journalist, captures the essence of the man we all know as The Wall. Etched in print are Rahul Dravid's flawless technique and outstanding achievements. The author has painstakingly researched the rise of Rahul Dravid, his childhood, his early days in the game, his success, his agony and his triumphs. It is a remarkable story of Rahul Dravid's extraordinary cricketing career that commenced in 1996 and continues to flourish nine years later. The book highlights the physical, mental and of course, technical attributes that have elevated Rahul to legendary status. In this honest endeavour to recount the story of Rahul Dravid, the author is assisted by reminiscences from his mentors, seniors, teammates and even opponents, all of whom witnessed the making of a cricketing legend from close quarters. Then, there are the photographs, some of the best ever, which showcase, quite literally, the genius of one of India's all-time greats. This work, a biography of the living legend, is the result of exhaustive research of the rise of Rahul Dravid from his childhood and early days and highlights the success, agony and triumphs of his chequered career in the world of cricket. It etches in print, for the first time, his flawless techniques and outstanding achievements, and focuses on his temperament and the meticulous manner in which he prepares himself mentally and physically for any major tour. As such, it makes an interesting read for the lovers of cricket. Take a look at www.rightbooks.in/product_details.asp?pid=8129107295&THE NICE GUY WHO FINISHED FIRST A BIOGRAPHY OF RAHUL DRAVID for more details.

Amrita Diya Daityari lets you perceive the true “Sourav Ganguly: The Fire Within”

It wasn’t the best time that a captain would love to take charge of his team. Early 2000, that was the period you could easily define as the darkest phase of Indian cricket. Big names, or the so-described iconic players were getting exposed once the match fixing investigation took off, and even the bigger name, often described as the face of cricket found the situation too hot to handle. It was the phase where every failure, even sloppy misfielding or a drop catch were considered as a part of match fixing propaganda, and cricket lovers had their tough most time to see the respect and charm of their most loved game getting humiliated. Taking charge of the Indian cricket team at that time, which was a morally and mentally devastated one, was the last thing offered to a captain, but champions like Sourav Ganguly always thinks different. It was a stand and deliver type condition for him to uplift the spirit, and he led the battle from the front. Ganguly always let his willow to do the talk about his performance, and this time the need was even more urgent. He applied the same exactly what he believes in, and that is the competency. Before him, the unofficial yet the most powerful system for getting into the team was the regional quota system, and player from particular regions were considered to playing. Ganguly just wiped out the system, and during his captaincy, the Indian cricket saw the players barging in from the second tier smaller cities and towns. Cricket is obviously a game that demands six hours of rigorous skill expression in the field, but before that, it’s the mental toughness that a player must show in the field. The belief to do the unthinkable results wonders at the game, and a fresh, pool of young blood can upset the world champions even on their own soil, and that’s what Ganguly’s team India kept delivering. The team is above any personal achievement, and each member of the team should play for each other, that’s the motto of teamwork, and Ganguly infused just that in his team. Amrita Diya Daityari has done something more than wonderful in bringing the warrior “Prince of Calcutta” to you, up and close. He is he rare combination of batting excellence with the true leadership quality, but before that, he is the man with such a mental toughness that you normally don’t see among the Indians. Something extraordinary that you could find while describing his mental toughness, else he couldn’t have made that great comeback to his own team during the South Africa tour in 2006-07. A born fighter who never keeps his arms down until the battle is fully won, and more importantly, he structured the road-map for the Indian team, still followed by MSD. “Sourav Ganguly: The Fire Within” is more than a mere biography on Ganguly, it’s something that has the ability to motivate any profession. Be here at www.rightbooks.in/product_details.asp?pid=8129101432&SOURAV GANGULY THE FIRE WITHIN to get this RightBooks.in presentation now.

India’s love for Literature again stands tall with New Delhi World Book Fair 2012

New Delhi World Book Fair 2012: 25th February - 4th March 2012, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, India

Few things know no barrier, and Literature is definitely a top notch among them. Irrespective of the country or the geographical territory, love for quality Literature is common everywhere, and thereby, a particular Literature isn’t slated to be confined in one particular area. Literature is a born global citizen, but still, the appreciation for noteworthy Literature, again irrespective of the geographical boundaries, gets a warmer reception in India when compared with others. A country with the ability to praise all level of Literature richness, India is the place for celebrating Literature. A number of Literature Festivals and Book Fairs do take place all over the country throughout the year, but the staging of New Delhi World Book Fair 2012 is definitely the one that takes a different stance altogether. Held biennially at the Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, this fair is an excellent platform for the World Literature showcasing, and is organized by the National Book Trust, India known as NBT. NBT is an autonomous organisation under the Department of Secondary & Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, and is a professional body working towards the promotion of books and the habit of reading in the country. The major activities of the Trust include publishing, promotion of books and reading, promotion of Indian books abroad, assistance to authors and publishers, and promotion of children’s Literature. The New Delhi World Book Fair which is one of the largest book fair in the world attracts thousands of exhibitors both from India and abroad. The 20th World Book Fair was held from 25th Feb to 4th Mar 2012 in capital city of India New Delhi at Pragati Maidan. The theme of the 20th World Book Fair was “POINT-OF-VIEW, An International Rights Exhibition of Books on Indian Cinema towards Hundred Years of Indian Cinema”, as Indian Cinema is going to complete its 100 years in 2013. A few books based on Indian cinema were also released on the occasion. Moreover, a catalogue including 300 titles representing publications of 800 publishers in all major languages based on Indian Cinema has been released by NBT. The catalogue contains information about copyright and contact details for right enquires that will help the publishers around the world to get the information about the rights to publish or translate any of the books based on Indian Cinema. The World Book Fair prime motto is to provide a valuable edge between Authors, Publishers, Booksellers and Reader, and the 20th edition, needless to say, stood high on its reputation.

While it was a great opportunity for people to delve into Literature and books of all kinds from 25 February to 4 March, it happened to be also a great opportunity for the publishers and book dealers to further their business. Believed to be the biggest fair in all Afro-Asian countries, this time, the New Delhi World Book Fair 2012 had the arrangement so elaborate that twenty six countries had participated in the fair, showcasing their Literature and Books. Spain, Malaysia, UK and Germany besides all the SAARC countries, were few names among others. Apart from books, this time the Book Fair had also brought in different attractions for the public. There were events for every booklover, and children in particularly were benefited in terms of the newly set up children’s pavilion, where quizzes and reading sessions were conducted to retain the interest among kids about book reading. Bengalis living in Delhi had extra reasons to show interest in this fair, after knowing that on the eve of 150 Birth Anniversary of Rabindranath Tagore, they are organising a Rabindranath Tagore pavilion with his works. Cultural Programme was a new addition to the book fair this time and was conducted in Lal Chowk theatre in association with the Sahitya Kala Parishad.

The Ministry of Human Resource Development proposed to make the biennial New Delhi World Book Fair an annual feature. Inaugurating the 20th edition of the Fair at Pragati Maidan on Saturday, HRD Minister Kapil Sibal said the ministry is ready to provide the financial assistance needed to make this happen. The Minister said the government would try to host the Fair every year given its increasing popularity and growing status as one of the most important book-related events in the Afro-Asian region. “The New Delhi World Book Fair has emerged as the biggest Book Fair in the Afro-Asian region, and I feel that the National Book Trust should now make it an annual affair as they have the capability” said by Mr. Sibal. Saying the popularity of Book Fairs is a sign of a vibrant democracy and free society. “Our mission is not just an inclusive society, but an inclusive learning society. I would want every child in the country to have an Aakash, and access information free of cost”, added by Mr. Sibal. Mr. Sibal also released an International Rights Catalogue on Indian Cinema and three books in Braille titled ‘Cinema of Satyajit Ray’, ‘Balraj My Friend’ and ‘Dada Saheb Phalke’. The Book Fair, apart from hosting the largest number of Indian publication houses ever, has the largest number of international participants, four pavilions, and more than 140 related events, making this the biggest Fair in the country to date. Noted historian and chairman of the NBT and the organizer of the fair, Bipan Chandra agreed with Sibal’s proposal, and confirmed that NBT is ready to fund the annual event. However, he also pointed that the trust is facing a resource crunch and looking forward to more sanctions in the 12th Five Year Plan, he added. “NBT at present doesn't have adequate manpower to manage such an event annually”. The first day of the fair saw people browsing through books exhibited at about 2,500 stalls of more than 1,300 exhibitors. Theme pavilion on Indian Cinema and the children's pavilion emerged as the favourites.

Taking forward their trend of offering theme-based international rights exhibition, the Fair, this time, has a right exhibition on Indian Cinema. The exhibition was on course to find a connect with the points-of-view that the world of Books and that of Cinema present to the reader as well as the audience who may be, many a time, one and the same. On behalf of the organizers, it was a sustained effort to find a connect between the popular culture and the book culture. Books published in English and all Indian languages in their original language edition on Indian cinema, actors, actresses, directors, producers, music composers, lyricists and the vast array of unknown personalities who have enriched this powerful medium would form a part of this show. “A rights catalogue would also be produced for the books displayed during the show and these catalogues would also be available as priced editions”, added Kumar Vikram, editor, NBT and Project-In-Charge of the Theme. Besides, the show had well-defined categories of exhibits – Children, Science & Technology, Hindi & languages - to name a few. Also, there would be regular features like book launches, seminars, meet the author events, and special pavilions dedicated to children and youth etc. Moreover, a catalogue including 300 titles representing publications of 800 publishers in all major languages based on Indian cinema has been released by NBT. The catalogue contains information about copyright and contact details for right enquires that will help the publishers around the world to get the information about the rights to publish or translate any of the books based on Indian Cinema.

Audio Book was an interesting inclusion in this Book Fair. Audio books, that are pegged at USD 7 billion global is still in its infancy in India and has been estimated to grow, are easily downloadable on Mobile Phones, MP3 players, Ipad, Iphone, Android and other tablet devices, making it a convenient experience for hi-tech book-lovers. Audio versions of about hundred fiction and non-fiction books have been featured as part of the ongoing World Book Fair 2012 by Audio Book brand Reado. From "Peter Pan" to "Jungle Book" and subjects ranging from waistline reduction to confidence boosting, there is much to choose for "book-listeners". The 100 titles available range from children stories, popular contemporary fiction and classics, to health, self-help and books on business. Reado's CEO & Co-Founder Sumit Suneja says the idea to bring these audio books came from the growing need to cater to that section of society which is moving in the fast lane and has very little time to read books. In order to convert the books into audio formats, Reado has partnered with several publishing houses including Penguin, Hachette, Harvard Business Review and Brilliance. The Audio Books are available at prices ranging between Rs 299 and Rs 599. Just like in any newly launched products, this new book variety attracted appreciations and criticisms simultaneously. While some welcomed this new effort as a boosting dose for reading habits, which is facing a stiff challenge now-a-days, while some disagreed that just listening the Book narration won’t help the learning process, especially the grammars. Nevertheless, this new venture of Books had its healthy share of visitor’s attraction.

The Fair wasn’t left by Anna Magic, and a special pavilion, set up by Public Cause Research Foundation (PCRF) has exhibited books, CDs and DVDs related to Anna Hazare, a Photo Book having series of photographs related to India Against Corruption (IAC) movement and newly launched IAC card. In this special pavilion, IAC volunteers were busy in highlighting the details of benefits of forming the Discussion Forum (Anna Charcha Samooh) in every municipal ward in cities and in every village to start up a two-way direct communication between Jan Lokpal movement and the People of India. Interestingly, this move by IAC was hugely greeted by the visitors, and the footfall at the IAC stall kept thronging. The IAC card, available at Rs 20 each, provides the mobile number registration of the cardholder, so that each step and the latest updates of the Anti Corruption Movement are communicated by sms. Another interesting event at the Fair was the seminar about the E-Publishing, jointly organized by W3C India and Federation of Indian Publishers with SPH Consultancy & eServices Pvt. Ltd. The E-Publishing Seminar - is split in two half days of deliberations to offer a better understanding of the interest arising topics like How e-publishing technologies and market developments will create opportunities for Book Publishers and Printers, how Authors can benefit by new approaches in ePublishing of Self-Publishing and On Demand Publishing. How the Publishing ecosystem can offer ePublishing on Mobile devices including Tablets, Reading Devices and Smartphones., How Publishers and Authors could use e-Distribution Mechanisms to monetise their Book inventory, Content Discovery in the Age of Tablets, E-readers and Google, so as to introduce the new concepts, tools and technologies and developments in the digital publishing space.

At the closing ceremony, National Book Trust director M. A. Sikandar launched a new website of the National Book Trust that is also the organizer of the Fair. Several film and theatre personalities like Javed Akhtar, Farooq Sheikh, Amol Palekar, Anupam Kher, Satish Kaushik, Sushma Seth, Muzaffar Ali and Shahbaz Khan participated in various panel discussions and literary events held at the theme pavilion. At a Film Festival at the pavilion called 'Literature that walks, talks and sings', many classics such as Devdas, Pather Panchali, Umrao Jaan, Suraj Ka Satvan Ghoda among others, were screened. Moreover, several cultural programmes were organized by Sahitya Kala Parishad at Lal Chowk in evening. There were performances by folk dancers from Gujarat, Haryana and Maharashtra. Characterized with the Fair specific gestures like interactive kiosks had been set up at various spots in the halls to provide information regarding publishers, souvenir shops selling coffee-mugs, T-shirts and caps that had quotations and dialogues from famous books printed on them, this Fair left a long lasting impression on the Book lovers, and promised a bigger and better Literature celebration in the future.