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He was identified before the world as the most wanted and feared terrorist, but Osama Bin Laden had a strange and secret world that very few people knew and Najwa bin Laden, Omar bin Laden and Jean Sasson unveil it through “Growing Up Bin Laden”

The memoirs of Najwa bin Laden, Osama bin Laden's first wife, and Omar bin Laden, Osama's fourth son, make for a fascinating read, especially to someone who is not very familiar with ways of life in the Middle East. There is a possibility that you could be put off by Najwa's account of her early life. Her glasses didn't just seem rose-colored; they seemed as if they must have had their own built-in mister of fairy dust. Almost everything in her life up until the point that she had to move to Afghanistan seemed to be from a glorious dream. “Growing Up Bin Laden” is actually the book that will make you to hold back snorts. She rhapsodized over the marvelous man that was Osama. According to Najwa, he seemed able to do no wrong, whether as a husband or a father. This, despite the fact that she was afraid to disagree with him in any way and that he abused his children and deprived them of many normal childhood things, such as toys and medical care. Neither was she allowed to use many modern conveniences, due to Osama's distaste for them. The world knows Osama bin Laden as the most wanted terrorist of our time. But people are not born terrorists and bin Laden has carefully guarded the details of his private life; until now, when his first wife and fourth-born son break the silence to take us inside his strange and secret world. In spine-tingling detail, Jean Sasson tells their story of life with a man whose growing commitment to violent jihad led him to move his wives and children from an orderly life to one of extreme danger, even choosing the teenage Omar to accompany him to the mountain fortress of Tora Bora. “Growing Up Bin Laden” tells you the story of a young girl who married her gentle and kindly first-cousin, enjoying a happy early marriage with the groom of her choice. But world events thrust her husband into a frenzy of militant activities, altering his once pleasing behavior in the process. It’s RightBooks.in on action to bring it before you, and www.rightbooks.in/product_details.asp?pid=9781851689019&Growing%20Up%20Bin%20Laden is the link for you to visit.

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