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Nicci French anchors “The Memory Game”

Crime thriller book is about suppressed memory of a crime. It has its twist and turns but it’s a slow book. There are reasons for which you’ll like “The Memory Game” and this is mainly because author has a way with her words. It has words soothingly falling on your ears kind of quality. The book drags on at many places but somehow holds your interest so as to finish. Whether it’s be "Memory Game" or "Kim's Game", as the narrator describes them and then confesses to confusing the two, game theory becomes the controlling conceit for this exploration of family solidarity and family secrets. A terrible murder (with attendant ramifications of incest) is disclosed 25 years after the victim, a beautiful and enigmatic teenager, has been buried in a pit right outside the front door of her home. The gruesome discovery of a pregnant girl, who had been thought, by all but the murderer--to be merely missing, becomes the stimulus for the narrator, her childhood friend and rival, to embark on a quest to recover dark hidden memories of a vanished childhood among the "blue remembered hills" of her "land of lost content." The account that follows--with its frequent forays into psychotherapeutic sessions, is gripping, even as mesmerizing as the psychotherapist himself seems to be, and the narrator goes through an ominous process of question and answer only to find ultimately that the "truth" of her breakthrough is not truth at all. The only disappointing part of this process comes in the rushed conclusion following her acceptance of the validity of the "false-memory" syndrome (an exposition of which is glossed over far too hurriedly); the dénouement seems strangely contrived and much less believable than what has preceded it. Nevertheless this is an absorbing read. It will please the literary minded as well as mystery lovers. It has certainly left this reader with a taste for more from this spellbinding writer. If you are a fan of mystery/detective stories, you'll like this book. If you like a bit of psychology thrown in, you'll like it even more. It's easy and quick to read and makes you think twice about psychological fashions like 'recovered memories'. The psychological thriller is an increasingly important part of the mystery genre but the tag is an odd one since any mystery novel worth its salt delves into the psychology of the characters in it. But it is apt as a description of Nicci French's novels because of their concentration on character. The main asset that “The Memory Game” is that it is an energy packed one, with a continuity stream in the plotting. This is especially essential and crucial when the storyline is a very familiar and oft used one. The book was simply all over the place, there were too many subplots and the subplot involving Natalie and her mysterious disappearance sometimes got lost as it jostled for attention with these other subplots. As a result that atmosphere of suspense and tension you would expect of a really good mystery novel gets even more intense. Another factor that will attract you regarding this book, was that there were (literally) too many characters, and not all of them were really necessary to this novel at all. Obviously, this was French's first novel, and equally obviously, French has gone on to write much, much more exciting and compelling novels. Given the plot and the sequence of the events that followed one after another, and most importantly that “The Memory Game” is the first venture of Nicci French, the husband wife writer duo, you will surely find yourself stuck to the story narration. The link at www.rightbooks.in/product_details.asp?pid=9780141034133&The%20Memory%20Game lets you buy this literature venture, and you have RightBooks.in to accompany with all the buying details.

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